Hawken Wiki

TiberiumFusion TiberiumFusion 1 March 2018

Playable Again? (not anymore)

As we all know, attempting to start Hawken after January 2nd yielded a brick wall at the Logging In screen. In preparing to attempt to get around that enforced expiration date, I found out something interesting - the expiration date may have expired in its own right.

To note: this is circa March 1, 2018 @ 4:35 PM EST.

If anyone sees this post, try to load up your game as well! You might be able to marvel at your mechs once again.

I have no idea why PC Hawken was able to authenticate and retrieve my information, but it's certainly a welcome surprise. The server lists are emtpy, as expected, but the leaderborad shows players names (presumably from console records). My PvP and PvE win rates are still present, but much of my other stats have been…

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TiberiumFusion TiberiumFusion 3 January 2018

At Journey's End?

The 2nd had passed, and Hawken has been removed from the Steam store, as promised.

I'm still looking for a new path to send this wikia down. Please message me if you have ideas or interests.

It's been quite a ride, everyone.

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TiberiumFusion TiberiumFusion 12 November 2017

Regarding the Shutdown

This incredible game is set to be erased from the present, while an illegitimate-feeling (at least, to me) fork will live on with console gamers. Will the Hawken name become besmirched by excessive DLC, microtransactions galore, and simply fall to the lower standards of console gaming? What a sight that would be.

It's surprising, and it isn't. Things have been downhill for a while now. I can grieve, rage, and sigh, but the current owners of Hawken aren't going to change their decision. A a lot of mistakes were made by every development group, especially with Adhesive and Meteor when they financially screwed themselves, so in no way is our loss of PC Hawken justified. It's now a tragic tale of an amazing game that went down the wrong path.


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TiberiumFusion TiberiumFusion 14 June 2017

New Wikia Header Format

Some of you may have noticed the ugly, new header at the top of our Wikia. I can assure you, that's not our doing, it's an upstream change made by some less-than-competent designers. If I can find a way to revert back to the older, better look, I'll get right on with that.

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TiberiumFusion TiberiumFusion 14 February 2017

Just Thoughts Apt for Blogging

It's been nearly three years now since I adopted this wikia, and while Hawken was absolutely flying from Feb 2014 to midsummer that same year, most of my tenure has been watching this masterpiece of a game decline. The handful of reboots, revamps, reduxes, re-invigorations, re-everythings seems to be waning as well. It's not at all dissimilar to seeing a loved one slowly approaching life's end - knowing that it's not very near yet, but nonetheless inevitable and on its way.

I don't know what Hawken is like on Xbox One or PS4 - well, probably full of players, but with gameplay and spirit that are mere shadows of what once was a sensational PC game. With signs everywhere hinting at us that PC Hawken will eventually be no more, it makes sense …

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General-jwj General-jwj 4 January 2016

I'm back!

Finally back from my long trip abroad, I'll start making contributions again.

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TiberiumFusion TiberiumFusion 28 October 2015

Broken Features

Hello everyone! As part of the (agonizingly) slow process to repair security flaws that Wikia is conducting, they have decided to remove the verbatim page elements. View the original article here

What is a verbatim? If you're an average user, you likely have no idea what those are or how utterly important they are to functions on our lovely Hawken wiki. Verbatim elements allow JavaScript and otherwise restricted components into a page. The mechs page, for example, with its fancy mech selector, relies upon a fairly large amount of JS. This can only be injected via a verbatim. And now that verbatims are going away, that feature on the mechs page will not longer function. A brief list of things that will break:

  • Mechs selector on the mech page, …
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General-jwj General-jwj 13 September 2015

Busy with stuff

I probably should have made a post about this earlier, but I moved to Iceland for the next few months for an internship at the university, and I'll be a little busy settling in and discovering the place for the next week or two before I'm able to edit the wiki again. Sorry about that.

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General-jwj General-jwj 24 June 2015

Been away for a while

Sorry for the sudden bout of inactivity, I had finals and went camping for a few days afterwards etc, etc... I'll be easing myself back into the hawken-verse starting today.

Expect more wiki content!

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TiberiumFusion TiberiumFusion 4 June 2015

Mech Prices Update

Capnjosh just posted a new announcement regarding mech prices. The half price week(end) is over, and they've decided to redo mech pricing to make it more "normazlied", and have less of a pay to win feel. This is likely due to some mechs costing 12000HC and others costing 4000HC. So, as the prices are changed, if anyone wants to update them on our mech pages, feel free to do so. Here is the original announcement, for those who like to read:

We've let the half-off weekend extend pretty far into the week, partly because these prices are just plain fun and partly because we wanted to see what happened after the initial sale excitement wore off. It's valuable to see that sort of thing.

Now it's time to bring the regular prices back - I can hear t…

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General-jwj General-jwj 29 May 2015

Wew busy day

Well I just spent a while editing the internals page and all the item pages with costs, space taken up, and sometimes an added sentence or two to clarify things I thought could be clarified. Definitely a lot of work!

I'll probably take a break for today and take a look at writing up some more lore related articles tomorrow.

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TiberiumFusion TiberiumFusion 23 March 2015

A Glimmer of Hope

Well holy hell, a new Hawken post just came out on Steam!

The mech test drive has returned! (I can finally update that bit of the homepage now) And along with that is a new forum for the community. The homepage of the official website is broken (as of this writing) but hopefully the Hawken team has gotten their s*** together and might revive our favorite game.

TiberiumFusion (talk) 23:39, March 23, 2015 (UTC)TiberiumFusion

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TiberiumFusion TiberiumFusion 14 March 2015


Hello everyone! (who's still here)

It's been nearly a year since I've become the admin here at the Hawken wiki (also 13 months since Hawken was released on Steam), and I can say that a lot has and hasn't happened since then. We've cleaned up the wiki - turned it from a rundown, outdated site into what it is now - which is great. But, as I'm sure most of you have noticed, over the past several months, Hawken is in incredible decline; it's a ghost town on most servers. ADH is being very quiet over the entire issue, and no official announcements regarding the future of our beloved game have been made.

I think Hawken will be gone in the next couple years, and I'm sure a lot of you out there agree. It's been way too long for anything big to reboo…

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TiberiumFusion TiberiumFusion 29 September 2014

Stagnant Times

I'm getting seriously concerned about the fate of Hawken. There hasn't been any Hawken news since the beginning of August, not even test drive anouncements. Just recently, upon visiting the official site, I found that the community segment of the site is unreachable. I hope there haven't been any financial issues concerning the future of Adhesive Games & Hawken.

Let's all hope for the best,
--TiberiumFusion (talk) 22:40, September 29, 2014 (UTC)TiberiumFusion

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TiberiumFusion TiberiumFusion 27 May 2014

Fake Edits

Good day, everyone!

A notice on vandalism and scamming:

One of our fellow community members, Ben Wong, has noticed and removed vandalism placed here by an anonymous user a day ago. To repeat what he said, VANDALISM AND SCAMMING WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. After the aforementioned vandalism, there were a couple of fake edits. These edits were made by anons who "edited" the main page, one of whom posted a link to a nonexistant site, possibly to scam users. The last two "edits" both included the edit summary "V e r y   n i c e   s i t e!" (I had to put in spaces so our spam filter wouldn't prevent me from posting this blog post), so I'm thinking that it is one person. I do not want to have to ban people by IP from the wiki, since this will cause a ple…

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Ben Wong Ben Wong 27 May 2014

No Vandalism is the wiki

to all contributor:

As a open wiki we allow people to freely edit and comment to improve the quality.

But please be warned that vandalism in this wiki will not be tolerated.


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TiberiumFusion TiberiumFusion 13 May 2014


Hey everyone!

Unfortunately, I'll be unavailable to check on the wiki for the next few days. I'll return this Friday or Saturday.

TiberiumFusion (talk) 10:24, May 13, 2014 (UTC)TiberiumFusion

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TiberiumFusion TiberiumFusion 10 May 2014

New Mech Parts Popup on Mech Pages

I've created a new popup window for mech pages - one that shows the stock and elite versions of their individual parts. Currently, it's only on the Berserker page, since it took a while to figure out and construct and I'm weary from all the editing at the moment. Go ahead and check it out and tell me what you think! I'll be rolling it out to all the other mech pages soon.

Oh, and yes, I know that the complete mech picture does not change upon switching between stock and elite parts. This is because the game files do not have a picture of the mech with elite parts, just the stock ones. If you happen to have a mech with all the elite parts picture, feel free to make a fullbody picture for us. It must be 256 x 256 pixels or larger (while maint…

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TiberiumFusion TiberiumFusion 22 April 2014


Hooray! My adoption request was accepted, so now I'm leader of this epic wikI! Expect great things!

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TiberiumFusion TiberiumFusion 12 April 2014

My Adoption Request

Hey Hawken fans! Since this wiki is quite run down :(, I've decided to patch it up! I also want to maintain it in good condition, so I'm applying for adoption of the wiki! Wish me luck!

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TurboJensen TurboJensen 6 March 2013


On a previous blog, I stated that I'd be taking a break from the wiki until the next patch comes. Well, the Raider Update was launched today, and I'm not able to keep my word. Until another brave soul comes to commandeer the wiki, it'll be without updates for a very long time. This looks like the end for me. I wish I could do more justice to this wiki, I'm real sorry guys.

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TurboJensen TurboJensen 1 March 2013

January-February Poll Results

Thanks to the 87 people who voted on January and February's poll! And the results are in: Which secondary weapon do you like best?

  1. "TOW Rocket" (30 votes)
  2. "Hellfire Missiles" (29 votes)
  3. "Sabot Rifle" (18 votes)
  4. "Grenade Launcher" (20 votes)

The new poll asks what clan you belong in. Note that the poll listing was taken from the top 10 clan threads with the most replies.

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TurboJensen TurboJensen 19 January 2013


Changes to the wiki have been diminishing, and it will probably remain that way for a while. There are spots on the wiki that do need a good update, but for now I'll only maintain things when a patch comes along. I undoubtedly will make a return, and when that happens I'll try putting together a nice surprise that I've had planned. In the meantime, there's quite a few websites with more up to date information if you desire the latest news.

For now, this wiki will be paused. Though I can't keep this place as updated as others, I'll at least keep things pretty and tidy.

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TurboJensen TurboJensen 5 January 2013

December Poll Results

Thanks to the 177 people who voted on December's poll! And the results are in: What is your favorite mech?

  1. "Bruiser" (44 votes)
  2. "Assault" (29 votes)
  3. "Sharpshooter" (23 votes)
  4. "Scout" (20 votes)
  5. "Rocketeer" (16 votes)
  6. "Infiltrator" (14 votes)
  7. "Berserker" (13 votes)
  8. "Brawler" (10 votes)
  9. "Grenadier" (8 votes)

The new poll asks what your preferred secondary weapon is. Check out the weapons page to decide!

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TurboJensen TurboJensen 4 December 2012

November Poll Results

Thanks to the 79 people who voted on November's poll! And the results are in: How much have you played Hawken?

  1. "I just found out about this game." (43 votes)
  2. "I'm currently in the closed beta!" (19 votes)
  3. "I was in the alpha." (10 votes)
  4. "Haven't gotten my key yet." (4 votes)
  5. "Actually, I'm a dev..." (3 votes)

The new poll asks what your favorite mech is. Check out the mechs page and the specialized articles for mechs to decide!

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TurboJensen TurboJensen 20 November 2012

More with Closed Beta Event 3

The last Closed Beta Event is today, spanning from November 20th to December 6th. If you've been visiting the wiki since the previous event, you've probably noticed the slow pace of new content being added. This is because I've been holding out on adding information to make room for any changes that take place over the course of these events. And there are a lot of changes.

In the meantime though, I've been doing a lot of improvements under the hood. The wiki's categories are all sorted out in a nice and clean hierarchy which you can check out with Special:CategoryTree, with the root category Browse. And keeping to the promise of the first blog post I've made, I'm reaching the point where the content on the wiki is solid enough to start crea…

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TurboJensen TurboJensen 12 November 2012

Thanks Wikia Staff!

Special thanks to Doug and Jorge, two members of the Wikia Staff. They visited the wiki and applied some much needed fixes to important pages which was a welcome surprise. This site needed some reinforcements.

What you'll notice first is that the main page is slightly altered in layout to allow ads on the right side. I'm sorry for not spotting this sooner as I'm running AdBlock on Chrome. The whole thing went straight over my head. The second change is to the page about the game. It's now beefed up with more content. Once again, thanks staff!

If you notice some layout problems, don't hesitate to fix them or bring the issue up because it's quite possible that, just like what happened with the ads, I may not be seeing the same thing that you'r…

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TurboJensen TurboJensen 12 November 2012

Developer on the wiki?

Someone is pulling my leg... I added that last option on the poll for kicks, not thinking anyone would choose it or if someone did it obviously wouldn't be a dev. But now that it actually returned a result, I don't know what to think.

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TurboJensen TurboJensen 10 November 2012

Making a Mech Encyclopedia

After browsing Hawken's forums a bit, some users have been asking for a solid resource on the mechs in the store. In-game, not a lot of clear information is given about what you're going to buy, so an encyclopedia on what is in the store would make a valuable buyer's guide. I hope to bring the wiki there sometime in the future, with the goal of it being as informative as Dota 2's hero listing.

However, before I get up to that point I'll have to make articles on the more basic aspects of the game. A stable foundation goes a long way.

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