Hawken Wiki

Generally speaking, the Hawken community is the collection of people who play Hawken, create Hawken related media, participate in discussion on the forums and IRC channel, or are involved in events with other players.

Over the years many recurring or unique events and pieces of media have emerged from this community. Some are still active today, some aren't. Similarly, unique situations have taken place that shaped the development of the Hawken player base. This section's aim is to provide as wide a cross section of Hawken's history and activity as possible, from the point of view of its players, as opposed to a purely gameplay oriented perspective.

Recurring Events[]

Some community members manage to mobilise groups of players around specific goals, these become regular events that usually happen weekly on a set day and are divided by their objectives and the geographical location of their player base (for reasons of ping). There is usually no restriction to joining these types of events, although being from another region may cause high ping and make playing more difficult.

Event Name Region Frequency
War Wednesday North America Weekly
Ultra-Violent Wednesday Europe Weekly
Sunday Sunday Deathmatch North America Weekly
2 Nights At Straya Oceania Biweekly

Tourneys and Leagues[]

These events are not regular, but take place spread over a period of time (usually of several weeks) and occur once every few months or less. They are composed of series of matches between fixed teams of players, to eventually lead to the victory of one team over the others. Typically, the winning team and some of the runner ups will receive a reward, usually in the form of Meteor Credits.

Event Name Region Type
TPG (The Proving Grounds) North America League
Priority Target Europe Tournament

Unique Events[]

These are situations that had a lasting impact on the Hawken community, and sometimes the development of the game itself. They can be either large community driven events or situations that arose due to outside forces.

Event Name Origin
The Great Silence Hawken Developers
The Project Phoenix Initiation Celebration Hawken Community
The Vanguard Initiative Hawken Developers


Clans are groups of players that have banded together into a unit with a specific hierarchy. The reasons for founding a clan are many, including but not limited to: forming a tight group of friends, meeting like-minded players, gathering people of a certain region or skill level to increase game quality, etc. [full articles on each clan coming very soon. More clans to be added too].

Clan Name Region Leader(s)
Arrows Of Hungarians EU Pocy
Critical Assist (CA) EU Pure_Amazing/Houruck
Crushinator LoC_TR
Kobalt Defence Regiment (KDR) EU Pastorius/Seron/Vilyria/Pandabaron
Men In Mech (MIM) & Hawken Nikitas EU The_Silencer
Sentinels Of Death (SOD) America cybertormentor
TeamHS (THS) North America Estif/Kmaleon73
The Hawken Collective (THC) North America _incitatus/Phed
Trentik Defence Militia (TDM) North America crockrocket/coldform
Violent Resolution (vR) North America Dr0pk1ck/OmegaNull


There is a server on Teamspeak 3 for use by Hawken players, for communication and coordination. It is almost universally used for all group community events, and even by individual players wishing to talk to other people while playing. It is called the Officially Unofficial Hawken Teamspeak. Its address is: ts5.gameservers.com:9152