Editing Guidelines
The Hawken Wikia is the deticated information source for all information pertaining to the futuristic mech shooter we all love. Currently, PC HAWKEN is the singular, reliable, canon source of information for this wikia. When contributing to this wikia, please ensure that your edits derive from the PC version of the game. Posting information that it not yet existant in the game on the official pages can confuse and annoy readers.
If you contribute information that is inconsistent between PC and console Hawken, please clearly indicate the disconnect!
In addition to keeping information up-to-date and relevant, please mantain the existing style and format of this wikia. That is, don't create pages with a different look from the rest of the wikia, or change existing pages to another look. If you aren't sure of how to replicate our current wikia style in an edit you'd like to make, you can always look at the source of other pages to understand or copy the theme.
Articles must be informative and factual. Pages that are completely subjective will be removed, so please put your subjective content in your profile or in a blog post - that's what those features are designed for.
Since the original release of Hawken for PC has been entombed, this wiki is in need of conversion to reflect the present state of console Hawken. This shift in era validates the onset of overarching changes in theme, style, and policy of this wiki as per what the resident administrator(s) and community agree upon. Should a conversion effort take place, it is important that it be comprehensive and not leave this wiki in a mangled state between two eras. Additionally, any conversion effort should be unified. There should not be harmful competition among editors in taking this wiki in different directions - such is precisely why the resident administrator(s) should manage and organize such a conversion effort. In summary, while a conversion effort is certainly permitted to retain present policies, this wikia's rules may be entirely re-written, including those under the sections above (Brief, Style, & Content).